Thursday, January 30, 2014

Fantastic Drivers

One activity that we love to play allows us to drive all over the gym! In order to develop spatial awareness and to develop control, coordination and balance in our movements, we move around the gym by following the lines on the gym floor (it also helps us to become more familiar with the gym itself).

We walk or jog ("drive") on the lines while watching out for our peers. If we come across one of our peers on the road, we get to honk our horns and pass one another. There are also some challenges in this game - we might have to run on the spot if our tires are stuck in the mud or do jumping jacks like windshield wipers if it is raining. If we are doing a lot of driving, we might even run out of gas!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Healthy Eating

This month we have been exploring the benefits of nutritious foods. We have been talking about the food guide pyramid and the different food groups. We learned that food helps us to stay healthy and gives us the energy we need to work and play. Nutritious foods help us to grow big and strong.

Picture taken from:

 Students in Mrs. Logan's class identify and circle healthy snack choices on the Smart Board. 

Students in Ms. Tonon's class identify and sort healthy and unhealthy snack choices on the Smart Board. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


This week we took our kicking skills even further and played a large game of soccer. We set up four nets in the gym and had four goalies. We took turns kicking the ball into the net.

Friday, January 17, 2014


This week we also practiced kicking and stopping a ball. Like throwing and catching, we made sure to watch the ball and positioned ourselves to properly stop the ball.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Throwing and Catching Continued

This week we continued to work on our throwing and catching skills but this time we used balls rather than beanbags. We practiced throwing and catching with a partner. We discovered that it is easier to throw and catch when we are standing close to our partner; it becomes difficult when we are standing further away.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Throwing and Catching

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a restful Christmas break and a happy New Year.

This week we were all very excited to be back in the gym; we got to play and experiment with the beanbags. We began by balancing the beanbags on various parts of our bodies while traveling around the gym.

Next we practiced tossing our beanbags up into the air. We realized that we need to keep our eyes on our beanbags and get our hands ready in order to catch them. Next we found a partner and practiced throwing and catching the beanbags. We needed to put one foot forward, bend our knees and extend our arm when throwing. We also needed to look at our partner when throwing. We had a lot of fun learning how to throw and catch the beanbags.