Friday, November 29, 2013

Snow Day Fun

On Wednesday we had the opportunity to explore different equipment in the gym. We used the ribbons to move - we made large shapes and designs in the air. We also got to use our leg and arm muscles when playing with the scooters. Some of us even experimented with the skipping ropes and learned how to skip!

It was neat to watch how we used our creativity and imaginations when playing with the equipment. Some of us pretended the hula hoops were cars and drove around the gym. Some used the ribbons to write letters in the air while others pretended they were tails and transformed into different animals.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Bonkers for Bowling

This week we practiced rolling a ball from a sitting, kneeling and standing position. We are working on developing balance, flexibility in movement and hand-eye coordination.

Afterwards we played a large game of bowling. Each of us got our own bowling pin. We had two jobs in this game: we needed to watch our own pin while trying to knock down some pins too.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sponge Warm Up

This week we played a new warm up activity in the gym. It was a lot of fun because we got to use sponges! We placed all of the sponges on the floor around the gym. Some of us were on the green team and some of us were on the yellow team (we noticed one side of the sponge was green and one side was yellow). We explored space and travelled around the gym flipping the sponges to either the yellow side or green side.

Every time we flipped over a sponge someone would flip it back shortly after - this game really kept us moving!

Monday, November 18, 2013

How to play safe in the gym

As a class we discussed what the important rules and guidelines are in the gym. We worked together to make this list. We always want to make sure we are taking turns, being kind and playing safe.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Have you seen this monster?

Your child might have mentioned to you that there was a monster in the gym....they were right! On Halloween our tricky gym class monster went missing. He decided to hide all over the school and play tricks on us. He left us clues and activities to do in the gym.

 One day he left pictures of himself all over the gym. We had to collect all of the pictures - they were on the walls, near the equipment and even under the benches!

 Next he must have been playing with the balls because they were all over the gym, what a mess! We decided to help the monster by collecting all of the balls, we sorted them by colour.

 One day he left us a bag of magic monster seeds. We took turns planting them in the bowl.

The next day, to our surprise, the monster seeds grew into pencils!
 Lastly that tricky monster of ours posted pictures in the gym of his adventures. He was in the library, the office, the halls and even decided to hide in someone's boots!
We found our monster! He left us a map to guide us to his hiding spot. We all worked together to read the map and finally we found him. He was hiding in the lost and found!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Obstacle Course

This week we participated in an obstacle course. There were different activities for us to do. We practiced balancing on a beam, jumping over hurdles and landing properly, crossing a ladder, weaving around cones and even travelling through a tunnel! We did a great job being kind to others and taking turns.



Thursday, November 7, 2013

Noodle Hockey

This week we got to play a really fun game - noodle hockey! We used pool noodles and tried to hit the balls into different nets. We worked on our hand-eye coordination while learning to take turns and pass the ball.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Rainbow Scarves

We are often exploring music and movement in the gym. This month we got to play with the rainbow throwing scarves. While developing fundamental skills like throwing and catching, we used our imaginations and moved to the music. We changed our speed and movements when the music was soft or loud, fast or slow.

We travelled around the room with the scarves and swayed and moved like we were a big wind storm, we even pretended to be different animals and used our scarves as tails, wings and trunks!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween Centres

Last week we participated in different Halloween phys ed centres. We practiced rolling by playing pumpkin bowling, balanced spooky spiders and bats on the balance beam and even tossed monsters into a net!

Balancing on the balance beam.

Passing the spider. We tried to keep it up in the air.

 We're practicing our throwing and aiming.
 Bowling for pumpkins.
Jumping over spiderwebs and orange pumpkins.

Dancing up a Storm

Earlier this month we were very lucky to have three talented dance teachers visit us from the Loft School of Art and Dance. They did some great warm up activities and taught us a fantastic dance routine. We had a lot of fun practicing the dance moves and being creative!

Click here to learn more about the Loft School of Art and Dance.